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How to clean silicone teether
Source: | Author:hanchuan200629 | Published time: 2021-01-19 | 465 Views | Share:

Teether is one of the baby products, suitable for use during the eruption of baby's deciduous teeth, but different babies have different preferences for teethers. It is recommended that mothers choose teethers for their babies according to their own baby's hobbies. If you use silicone teethers, you must Pay attention to disinfection and cleaning, specifically how to clean the silicone teether and what functions the teether have, let us understand together!

silicone teether

During the eruption of the baby’s primary teeth, the baby’s gums will be sore and itchy, and the gutta-percha will alleviate the baby’s pain and itching during the eruption of the primary teeth. It not only relieves the discomfort of the gums, strengthens the gums, exercises the baby’s grasping and chewing abilities, and can also supplement properly. nutrition. But some mothers don't know how to clean silicone teether, so they worry about whether it will be unhygienic to use teether for their babies. Let's learn about common sense about teether together!

silicone teether

Some teething sticks are edible, but silica gel gutta-perchas are not edible. Mommy should pay attention to daily cleaning. Generally, the material of silica gel is relatively stable. It is recommended to use a mild detergent to clean it and then use boiling water for disinfection. There is no harm to the baby.

If some mothers find it troublesome to clean the silicone teether, it is recommended to make some edible molar sticks for the baby, such as fruit bars, vegetable bars, etc. Fresh apples, cucumbers, carrots or celery are cut into small finger-thick strips, which are cool, crisp and sweet, and can also supplement vitamins, which can be described as the top grade for babies' teeth.